Justine Wright


JUSTINE WRIGHT - Natural Nail Manicurist


> Prices:

Builder in a bottle manicure - plain, no gel polish - £31

Builder in a bottle manicure - with gel polish colour, French or basic art -£37

Builder in a bottle infill - plain colour - £27

Builder in a bottle infill - with gel polish colour, French or Basic Art - £33

Builder in a bottle removal - without reapplication - £15

Builder in a bottle removal - with reapplication - £5

Gel Polish Manicure - plain colour - £27

Gel Polish Manicure - with French or Basic Art - £32

Gel Polish Removal - without reapplying Gel Polish - £10

Gel Polish Removal - with reapplication - £5

> How to book:

📞 07488253100

📩 justine@jwthebeautycollective.co.uk

🔍 social media @jwthebeautycollective

> Available:

Alternative Tuesday and Thursdays from January. Evenings and weekends - appts arranged directly.

> Natural nail manicure:

Justine is a fully qualified and insured mobile Nail Manicurist specialising in natural nail gel polish and builder in a bottle manicures. Offering a little bit of luxury with products that are vegan and cruelty free from The Gel Bottle and Glossify. To see examples of her work and to find about a bit more visit her social media pages on Instagram or Facebook @jwthebeautycollective.


If you are feeling unwell with any signs of cold, sickness, Covid or unsure whether to attend your appointment, please let me know and we can review. Due to vulnerability I need to keep well and to ensure I can keep myself and others around me safe. Appointments cancelled within 24hrs notice will be charged a 50% cancellation fee of the treatments booked, so please give as much notice as possible.